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美国 . Microtrac




美国麦奇克Microtrac Inc www.microtrac.com
美国麦奇克有限公司(Microtrac Inc.)是世界上著名的激光应用技术研究和制造厂商,前身为Leeds & Northrup 研究所,近半个世纪以来,一直领先着激光粒度分析的前沿技术,可靠的产品和强大的应用支持及完善的售后服务,使得其先进的激光粒度分析技术被广泛地应用于石油,石化,水泥,磨料,冶金,制药,陶瓷等领域,并成为众多行业指定的质量检测和控制的分析仪器。
美国麦奇克有限公司(Microtrac Inc.)以其在激光衍射/散射技术和颗粒表征方面的独到见解,经过多年的市场调研和潜心研究,开发出最新一代Zetatrac微电场分析技术,融纳米颗粒粒度分布与Zeta电位测量于一体,无需传统的比色皿,一次进样即可得到准确的粒度分布和Zeta电位分析数据。与传统的Zeta电位分析技术相比,Zetatrac采用先进的“Y”型光纤探针光路设计,配置膜电极产生微电场,操作简单,测量迅速,无需精确定位由于电泳和电滲等效应导致的静止层,无需外加大功率电场,无需更换分别用于测量粒度和Zeta电位的样品池,完全消除由于空间位阻(不同光学元器件间的传输损失,比色皿器壁的折射和污染,比色皿位置的差异,分散介质的影响,颗粒间多重散射等)带来的光学信号的损失,结果准确可靠,重现性好。

The history of Microtrac Inc. includes not only an array of technologically advanced products, but also many significant developments in the field of light scattering as well. The time line below traces the legacy of our technology, our product portfolio, and our company – the originator that introduced laser particle size measurement instruments to the world.

Microtrac instrumentation has come a long way from its humble beginnings embodied in the original Microtrac model 7991. The story began with the development of the laser by Bell Labs in 1959, plus its advancements during ensuing years, and the advent of the first commercially available microprocessor chip (Intel 4004). Below are the salient developments of the continuing Microtrac story that includes more than 20 patents covering light scattering technology.