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丹麦 . NKT Photonics


NKT Photonics

丹麦NKT Photonics www.nktphotonics.com
NKT Photonics A/S设计生产商用级和工业级特种微结构光纤和高功率光纤放大器。公司同时设计制造光纤基础的工业级系统例如白光激光器和超精密的DFB光纤激光器。这些系统已经在包括生物光子学,计量,光纤传感器,相干通信,测试测量,高精度光谱学一级激光雷达等众多市场领域得到了商业化的应用。NKT Photonics A/S属于丹麦工业巨擘NKT Holding A/S (NKT控股公司)全资拥有。
2009年6月15日—全世界最大的商业化微结构特种光纤供应商Crystal Fibre A/S公司,和业界领先的的超精密光纤激光器和Superk超连续谱白光激光光源制造商Koheras A/S公司宣布合并成为一家公司,合并后的公司名称为NKT Photonics A/S (NKT光子)。
两家公司所服务的市场对具有创新性的,价格有竞争力,和经过很好的应用证实可靠的光纤为基础的各种解决方案有持续不断地需求,这些需求导致两家公司的通力协作不断增加,此次合并是市场要求的结果。 NKT Photonics的成立将平衡并且整合两家公司的技术和产品优势,更好地服务现有客户和新的客户,为他们提供最先进的光纤器件,光纤子系统,超精密光纤激光器和光纤为基础的白光激光器解决方案。
Koheras是NKT Holding A/S的全资公司,是NKT光子学组织的一部分,2004年并购了德国LG 激光技术股份有限公司,这次收购使Koerhas的激光器产品线拓展到诸如氩离子激光器,固体激光器,激光二极管模块,氦-氖激光器以及一些激光器辅材,2006年6月LG 激光技术公司正式更名为Koheras股份有限公司。 

Luster LightTech Corp. 
HQ F6, Newton Building No 25
Landianchang South Road.
Haidian District, Beijing 100089 China
Phone: 8610 - 88400202- 6005 
Mobile: 86-13901325241
Fax: 8610 - 88400260
E-mail: baili@lusterlighttech.com
Connet Fiber Optics
No.940 Jianchuan Road
Minhang, Shanghai 200240, China
Phone: +86 21 5159 1607
E-mail: sales@shconnet.com.cn
NKT Photonics A/S is the result of a merger in 2009 between Crystal Fibre A/S – the largest commercial supplier of microstructured specialty fiber and Koheras A/S – the leading company within ultra precise fiber lasers and SuperK Supercontinuum White Light Lasers.
We focus on commercial optical solutions that simplify the value chain and bring enhancement for the end-customer.
Our vision is to continuously increase the functionality embedded in the fiber and thereby provide robust and simplified system architectures for our customers.
NKT Photonics will lead the way in the development of the photonics industry by setting new standards for fiber based lasers and light sources. From the design and manufacture of advanced photonic crystal fibers to the volume production of critical light engines, we are committed to serve our customers with fiber based products at any level of the value chain.
With over ten years of know-how, IP and experience, NKT Photonics strives to continually be the market leader in everything we do.