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英国 . VITL



莱因特电子 INRTERGRATED ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS  www.itl.co.uk www.itl.co.uk   www.vitl.co.uk
莱因特电子系统(上海)有限公司是英国INTEGRATED TECHONOGIES LIMITED的全资子公司,公司主要从事生物分析仪器、医疗诊断仪器的海外出口与公司自有品牌VITL产品的销售。我们致力于实验室仪器的创新与开发,专注于微孔板实验热封的解决方案,至今已形成MTS(小型热封仪)、VTS(调温式热封仪)、MT(全自动热封仪)的微孔板热封系列来满足不同实验、不同用途客户的需求。

母公司INTEGRATED TECHONOGIES LIMITED为Thermo Fisher、Eppenddorf、Biorad、Abgene等国际知名厂商的该类产品OEM和ODM产品服务商,研发实力雄厚。因我们是产品原始制造商所以产品价格在市场上有充分的竞争力。我们的产品质量满足英国BSI-ISO13485质量认证体系并通过欧盟CE认证,并有完善的售后服务体系。我们每年将不断推出新的产品以满足全球客户的需求。


VITL products from Integrated Technologies Ltd (ITL) provide a growing range of laboratory instrumentation solutions for microplate and microtube handling. The current range of instruments includes heat sealing solutions for microplates, PCR plates and deep-well plates (including foils), pipetting aids for microplates and tube pickers and defrosters for microtubes.

ITL was established in the UK over 35 years ago and has built a reputation as the market leader in the design and manufacture of medical, diagnostic and analytical instruments. 

Until 2006, ITL’s core business was contract design and manufacturing. However in that year, utilising its expertise in innovative design and manufacture, the VITL product range was born.