Vicon是Vicon Motion Systems公司和Peak Performance公司合作创办企业的新名称,是伦敦证卷交易所上市公司OMG plc公司的子公司。1984年在英国牛津创建。公司凭借雄厚的实力不断发展壮大,已在运动捕捉和分析的核心业务中确立了其世界领先的地位。
Peak Performance Technologies公司于1984年在美国科罗拉多州成立,公司的宗旨是建造计算机和视频生物力学分析工具,以帮助运动员提高身体机能,在奥林匹克和其它世界赛事上取得更优异的成绩。
英国Oxford Metrics Limited公司是世界上一家非常著名的光学Motion Capture系统供应商,它的这项技术在70年代服务于英国海军,从事遥感、测控技术设备的研究与生产。进入80年代他们将自己在军事领域里的高新技术,逐渐用于民用方面,在医疗、运动、工程、生物等诸多领域生产制造用于动作捕捉的Motion Capture系统。80年代末,OML又将Motion Capture技术应用于影视的动画制作领域,它以自身杰出的性能和最优性价比赢得了国外广大制作公司的信服与青睐,后来者居上,现已成为目前世界上最为人瞩目的Motion Capture系统。
Vicon was established in Oxford, UK in 1984 as a management buy-out from the Oxford Instruments Group by the current Deputy Chairman, Julian Morris with some founding employees and private investors. The privately owned company flourished and grew from organically generated profits, establishing itself as a world leader in its core business of motion capture and analysis.
Peak Performance Technologies Inc. was established in Colorado, USA in 1984 with a goal of producing a computer- and video-based biomechanical analysis tool to help athletes improve their performance in preparation for Olympic and world competition.
The combined Vicon business offers an integrated solution for both digital optical and video-based motion tracking.