美国Aperio www.aperio.com
美国 Aperio 公司 ( Vista, CA, USA )成立于1999年, 是创新数字病理学领航者, 以网络病理影像浏览与信息管理平台为基础, 建立新一代远距病理显微镜 ( 虚拟显微镜 ) 的标竿. 采用 Aperio 拥有的世界专利单线式数组光学扫瞄 ( Line Scanning Method ) 技术, 对病理玻片作超高速光学扫描, 创建数字化的超高光学解析影像, 同时,在安全严密的网络下, 无时间与空间的障碍, 可供用户在网络上快速的浏览, 量测分析, 信息管理, 远距会议, 远距会诊,并建立结合病理影像与病历的数字化数据库.
2012年Leica Biosystems 收购Aperio
Aperio is digitizing pathology. We provide systems and services for digital pathology, a digital environment for the management and interpretation of pathology information that originates with the digitization of a glass slide.
Our award-winning ScanScope® slide scanning systems and Spectrum™ digital pathology information management software improve the efficiency and quality of pathology services for pathologists and other professionals. Our scanners create a digital image of an entire microscope slide at giga-pixel resolution in minutes, with inherently superior image quality. Our Spectrum software provides a consolidated view of relevant case information梐nywhere, anytime梐nd with clinical and workflow tools to improve the quality and efficiency of pathology services.*
We have a variety of products for the biopharma, hospital, reference lab, or academic medical center settings. Applications include telepathology, education, archival and retrieval, research, tissue microarrays, and image analysis.
Aperio was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Vista, CA, approximately 35 miles north of San Diego.