赛业生物 Cyagen Biosciences www.cyagen.com www.cyagen.com.cn
赛业生物科技集团(以下简称“赛业生物科技”或“集团”)成立于2005年,是一家全球领先的多元化跨国生物科技实体,总部设在美国旧金山,分部遍及美、日、中等多个国家。集团成员包括Cyagen Bioscience Inc.、赛业(广州)生物科技有限公司、赛业(苏州)生物科技有限公司、赛业(苏州)生物信息学有限公司、超云生物信息咨询服务有限公司、海狸生物科技有限公司(Beaver Biosciences Inc.)、海狸纳米科技有限公司等。
赛业生物科技是全球最大的科研干细胞供应商,也是全球最大的生物试剂公司Life Technology(Invitrogen)全球唯一指定的干细胞供应商,旗下拥有全球品种最为齐全的科研干细胞库和技术领先的干细胞中心,自主开发了百余种干细胞和数百种细胞生物学产品。由赛业干细胞中心起草的数十种科研干细胞标准目前已经普及到美、欧、日、澳、中等国家和地区数千家知名生命科学实验室,成为国际上主要参考的干细胞技术标准之一。
集团旗下的赛业转基因动物中心是国际顶尖的转基因/基因敲除模式动物中心,中心拥有数千平方米实验场地,动物种群规模超过10万只,每年可构建转基因鼠模型3000例及基因敲除鼠模型300例,目前已服务于包括斯坦福大学David M. Kingsley实验室、芝加哥大学Bruce T. Lahn实验室、哈佛大学William T. Pu实验室、欧洲EMBL、德国海德堡大学Laurence Ettwiller实验室、澳大利亚UNSW大学John E. Pimanda实验室、新加坡GIS、AstraZeneca、Novo Nordisk等全球数百个顶级生命科学实验室和跨国制药公司,累计构建转基因/基因敲除鼠模型数千例。
赛业生物科技是全球Next Generation Sequencing(NGS)领袖美国Complete Genomics(CGI)公司全基因组测序服务在华唯一指定合作伙伴。
赛业生物科技于2009年起,先后通过了ISO9001:2008认证和Life Technology、Novo Nordisk、Complete Genomics等数家跨国生物、制药巨头的现场审核,成为众多国际机构的首选合作伙伴和供应商。
赛业生物 - 为生物科技创造无限可能!
Cyagen Biosciences was established to develop technologies in stem cell research, genetic engineering and transgenic animal research to serve the growing needs from life sciences labs and drug discovery companies. The principals of Cyagen consist of world-class scientists, senior industry experts and professional managers from both the U.S. and China. Cyagen intends to work closely with research institutions of its founding scientists to develop biotech products and services through partnerships and licensing agreements. The business philosophy of Cyagen is to create a competitive advantage by marrying cutting-edge technologies in the U.S. with cost effectiveness R&D in China, and to use this advantage to bring top-quality reagents, tools and services to researchers around the world at favorable prices.
Cyagen's main R&D and production facility is located in the Science City on the outskirt of Guangzhou, a southern metropolis of China about one hour by train from Hong Kong. Cyagen's1800 square meter facility encompasses a laminar flow ultra-clean cell culture lab built to GMP standard, a molecular biology lab, and an animal barrier facility housing mice and rats intended for transgenic and gene knockout research.
Currently, Cyagen is providing its stem cell products and transgenic mouse services to an expanding list of research labs around the world. Cyagen’s offerings include:
Stem Cell Products:
Human and animal embryonic and adult stem cells and culture products:
Embryonic stem cells (human, monkey, mice);
Mesenchymal stem cells (human, monkey, rat, mouse, rabbit, dog);
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (human, monkey, rat, mouse)
Neural stem cells (human, monkey, rat, mouse);
Stem cells with widely-expressed GFP;
Stem cells with tissue-specific promoter driving GFP;
Culture media (basic, growth, differentiation media) and related reagents.
Stem Cell Research:
Development of new types of stem cells;
Stable stem cell differentiation methods;
Stem cell characterizations;
Stem cell gene transduction;
Genetically modified stem cells for drug screening;
Stem cells for toxicity studies.
Stem Cell in Clinical Application:
Clinical-grade human stem cell bank;
Stem cell banking software;
Mesenchymal stem cell treatment for GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease);
Mesenchymal stem cell treatment for several autoimmune system diseases.
Transgenic/Knockout Mouse Services:
DNA microinjection;
ES cell microinjection;
Pathogen-free rederivation;
ES cell electroporation;
Other customized services.
We actively seek contract research opportunities in the above areas, and we are open to many forms of collaboration.