德国福德世Dr. Födisch www.foedisch.de
烟尘测量装置的产品系列有简单紧凑的过滤监控器(直插式烟尘浓度测量仪),到复杂的取样型烟尘测量装置。基于摩擦电原理的测量装置是由我们自己研发和生产的,其在不同工业上(如水泥工业,铸造厂,热电厂,焚烧工厂等)对烟尘排放的连续性监测不仅是定性的,还可以是定量的。产品已经通过TI Air和BImSch法规的认证。
我们为工厂提供完整的解决方案,包括对排放测量系统的设计,安装到维护和服务,可以根据客户要求以最佳的方式提供最好的测量技术。我们的客户群非常广,有热电厂,焚烧工厂以及化学和冶金行业。强大的技术力量使得我们可以为客户提供复杂应用条件下的技术方案。其中气体分析仪MGA23是通过13th BImSchV认证的,可以同时测量达3种红外气体(如. CO, CO2, NO, SO2)和氧气。
德国福德世公司成立于1991年6月。烟尘测量装置的产品系列有简单紧凑的烟尘监控器(直插式烟尘浓度测量仪),到复杂的取样型烟尘测量装置。基于摩擦静电原理的测量装置是福德世公司研发和生产的,其在不同工业上(如水泥工业、铸造厂、热电厂、尸体焚烧火葬厂、焚烧工厂等)对烟尘排放的连续性监测不仅是定性的,还可以是定量的。产品已经通过TI Air和BImSch法规的认证。经过培训的乐氏科技公司员工在过程技术的发展和测试和环境监测技术领域拥有丰富的经验,再结合了对环境法律法规方面知识的深刻理解,因此能够为客户建立最佳的解决方案。我们为操作需要和有关机构要求的对空气污染物的监测提供整个系统的设计和方案,安装和售后服务。
便携式烟尘仪PFM 92 K
烟尘测量仪PFM 02
防爆型烟尘测量仪PFM 02Ex
防爆型烟尘测量仪PFM 92Ex
连续性在线烟尘浓度测量仪 PFM 97
在线烟气流速测量FMD 99
在线烟气流速测量FMD 02
The Dr. Födisch Umweltmesstechnik AG was founded in June 1991. Long-time experiences of the staff in the field of development and test of process- and environmental measuring technologies combined with excellent knowledge in the field of environmental laws and regulations allow to create optimal customised solutions. We plan, install and service measuring systems for operational and authority-required monitoring of air pollutants. Based on the technical competence and the long-time experience of our employees we are able to offer advanced complete solutions for emission monitoring. Our company philosophy is shaped by the fact that we do not only install the measuring systems but also offer the customer an extensive consulting including authority engineering as well as a professional after sales service for the measuring equipment. The company's core activities concentrate on dust as well as gas emission measuring systems.
The product range of dust measuring devices goes from the simple, compact filter controller across In-Situ-dust concentration measuring devices up to extractive measuring devices for especially complicated dusts. The devices based on the triboelectric measuring principle are developed and produced by ourselves. Field of application is the continuous monitoring of dusty emissions not only qualitatively but also quantitatively in most diverse industries liek e.g. cement industry, foundries, power plants, combustion plants etc. The devices are approved and acknowledged according to TI Air as well as various BImSch-ordinances. Devices for continuous monitoring of odour emissions belong to our own developments, too.
Apart from the dust measuring technology the erection of emission measuring plants being conform to authorities count to the company's core competencies. We offer complete solutions to the industry – from planning, installation up to maintenance and service of the corresponding emission measuring technology. Working independently from manufacturers we can offer the customer measuring technology adjusted to their requirements in an optimum way. Among our customers are e.g. power plants, combustion plants (for waste, biomass, sewage sludge etc.), crematories as well as plants in the chemical and metallurgical industry. Our special know how lies in the customer-friendly solution of complicated cases of application. Within the frame of our scope of devices we offer the gas analyser MGA 23 approved according to 13th BImSchV. It measures up to 3 infrared components (e.g. CO, CO2, NO, SO2) and oxygen at the same time.
Moreover the department Engineering offers apart from process-related engineering services (e.g. filter analysis, optimisation investigations) further services as the compilation of approval applications and authority management.