澳大利亚Human Genetic Signatures www.geneticsignatures.com
Human Genetic Signatures 是一家总部位于澳大利亚悉尼的生命科学公司。该公司自2001年以来一直从事微生物检测和人类甲基化标志物工作。该公司已经寻求了专利保护并推出了针对这些领域多个不同应用的方法,它还致力于成套分销和技术授权。
With a primary focus on DNA methylation, Human Genetic Signatures was founded in 2001 by Dr Geoffrey Grigg, who prior to the inception of Human Genetic Signatures held the position of Chief of the Division of Molecular Biology at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia. Dr Grigg was also a founder of listed biotechnology companies Cambridge Antibody Technology and Peptech.
Human Genetic Signatures is a nucleic acid technology company and we have invented and commercialised various novel technologies.
The most widely used method for methylation analysis, the bisulphite method, was invented by our founder Dr Geoffrey Grigg, and became our core focus in the early days of the business.
This method has since been substantially improved and is now owned by Human Genetic Signatures.
Notable amongst its developments are a high-throughput methylation screening platform (384 genes) and a revolutionary method for improved diagnostic testing for microbial pathogens.
As a result of our bisulphite work, we made an interesting discovery;
The treatment of microbial DNA by sodium bisulphite effectively reduces the four-base DNA code to three bases. We call this 3base™, and this treatment creates a synthetic genome that does not exist in the natural world that has universal applicability to molecular diagnostic assays.