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西班牙 . Integromics



西班牙Integromics, S.L.  www.integromics.com
Integromics在生命科学信息技术领域为客户提供全方位多层次的解决方案,特别是基因组学和蛋白质组学.该公司在业界和学术界建立了很多重要的伙伴关系,从而为满足客户需求提供最先进的技术解决方案.Integromics提供最先进的基因表达软件技术来高效地组织数据,实现可靠的分析,并在生物医学领域获得最新的发现。Integromics与众多全球领先的企业有着密切的合作关系,例如Tibco Spotfire和 Applied Biosystems等
Integromics, headquartered in Madrid, Spain, is a recognized leader and innovator in the development of software for data management and integration, intelligent data analysis and data mining. Software has been developed for the genomics, proteomics and drug discovery markets and includes ArrayHub, a LIMS software designed to store, organize and track information for all tasks performed in microarray experiments; ArrayUnlock, a powerful tool for identifying associations in gene expression data and; LitheMiner, an intelligent system for scientific literature analysis. Integromics also has established key agreements with Applied Biosystems to develop applications for the ABI 1700 microarray analyzer and Spotfire for customized solutions built upon Spotfire's DecisionSite platform.
Integromics' products will allow Discovery to offer an integrated package of microarray instrumentation and data management and analysis software to its clients.