瑞士凯乐Keller AG
始建于1974年的瑞士凯乐测量技术有限公司SWISS KELLER 是世界著名的扩散硅压阻式压力传感器生产厂商。具有极强的研发能力,产品系列齐全,从低价位的工业型到满足实验室要求的高精度型。产品种类有扩散硅压力传感器、变送器,陶瓷电容式压力变送器,扩散硅和陶瓷电容式液位变送器,数字式压力表,压力校验仪等。
• 欧洲最大的压力仪表制造商。
• 我们的强项: 高品质、大货量、低价格、高柔性。
• 压力范围: 从5 mbar 到 2000 bar。
• KELLER 获得了 ISO 9001 / EN 29001认证。
在二十世纪60年代,公司的创立者H.W.KELLER在位于明尼阿波利斯(Minneapolis)的霍尼韦尔(honeywell)研究中心开发了世界上第一个内嵌式硅测量元件,并在美国为该内嵌式硅测量元件的制造方法申请了专利。Products of National Semiconductor, Foxboro,和Honeywell等公司直接或间接以该专利为基础发展了自己的技术。
KELLER AG für Druckmesstechnik。从一个小公司起步,KELLER AG现在已经成长为世界压力测量领域的领导者。从我们的10系列OEM芯体,到完整而专业的压力变送器产品线,KELLER AG始终保持在开发与创新的最前沿。随着低成本,小型化的微处理器的出现,KELLER利用艺术级的工艺实现了几年前还远远达不到的精度。目前我们的压力传感器和压力变送器的年产量已经超过1,250,000台。
The integrated silicon measuring cell was developed at the Honeywell research centre in Minneapolis/USA at the end of the 1960s.
Hannes W. Keller, a graduate in physics from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and named by Honeywell as the inventor, brought the technology to Switzerland in 1971, to the company Kistler, which launched the first piezoresistive pressure transducers with isolated measuring cell on the market in 1973. This was followed in 1974 by the establishment of KELLER AG, a company specialising in pressure measuring technology.
In 2008, more than 1,1 million isolated measuring cells were produced. Of these, 250'000 were delivered to OEMs, 750'000 were used in the production of industrial pressure transmitters, and the rest were distributed among the 500 or so other standard products.
• In Europe the largest manufacturer of industrial pressure transmitters
• Our strengths: High volumes at low prices, high flexibility
• Pressure ranges: 5 mbar to 2000 bar
• KELLER is certified according to ISO 9001 / EN 29001