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其他国家 . Raymetrics



希腊 Raymetrics S.A.  www.raymetrics.gr
希腊 Raymetrics S.A. 

Raymetrics S.A. was founded in Athens, Greece as a subsidiary of Zenon S.A. Head offices are located in company's privately owned and modern facilities, at Glyka Nera, Athens, Greece.
Raymetrics develops, integrates and delivers solutions in the field of Laser Remote Sensing.
The purpose of the company is the design, construction and sales of high-technology LIDAR instruments, devices and systems, as well as the provision of services related to these instruments. 
Raymetrics provides a full spectrum of Lidar hardware, software and services solutions for diverse applications.
At the same time Raymetrics represents, markets and supports products from other manufacturers in company's areas of expertise.
Human capital is Raymetrics's strongest and most valuable asset. Personnel is made up of highly trained and experienced senior professionals, mainly with postgraduate education, who possess extensive and unique experience in their respective fields.