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德国 . Labotect



德国Labotect  www.labotect.com
德国Labotect 公司成立于1971年,是欧洲著名的实验室仪器设备生产厂商之一, 其凭借多年制造经验生产的二氧化碳培养箱,品质卓越,用户遍及欧洲知名大学、 研究所、大规模实验室、制药和食品企业、政府检测部门和私人实验室。

Labotect – located in the centre of Germany – develops, produces and distributes a wide range of products for use in assisted reproduction, medical surgery and life-science laboratories.
Outstanding quality and close contact to the customers are two important pillars of the company’s philosophy for more than 35 years. It is the aim to fulfill customer’s demands and highest standards with most innovative developments.
Labotect was founded in 1971 as a dealer for laboratory equipment. A few years later, at the same time the first test-tube-baby worldwide was born, Labotect established its own research and development division with main focus on assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Today the company is represented worldwide by a strong network of reliable and well-trained distributors in over 40 countries.
As manufacturer of medical devices Labotect is certified according to ISO13485 for development, production, distribution and service of devices and instruments for assisted reproduction, gynecology, surgery and tissue culture.
Optimized culture conditions for your cells!
Incubation technique is one of the key competence areas of Labotect. The benefit of the CO2-Incubators is perfect contamination control by most modern technical solutions. They combine high safety standards with convenient design. Very fast recovery times for all adjustable parameters are basic features in all Labotect CO2-Incubators.
In addition to incubation technique the wide product range of the company includes cooling and cryo preservation technique, devices and consumables for assisted reproduction, lab equipment and sterile products for gynecological and general surgery.