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法国 . ActiCM



法国ActiCM  www.acticm.com
法国ActiCM公司向市场推出全新的便携式三坐标测量机(基于机器视觉系统)高端的、革命性的三维测量产品—Actiris 350,是该公司一个研究小组在摄影测绘学和数字图象处理领域进行了18年研究和开发的成果结晶,是一种完全便携式的三坐标测量仪,其设计符合人机工程学的要求,测量探头和传感器之间没有连接线和其它机械连接,使用者在测量过程中行动完全不受影响。

ActiCM solutions
ActiCM designs, manufactures and markets a complete range of coordinate measurement systems. Its products are specifically designed to verify the
dimensional compliance of components produced in the automotive, aerospace and metal processing industries.
These tools have been time-proven by big name industrial firms such as Renault, EADS, Hispano Suiza, AREVA and IFP.

They have significantly enhanced user productivity by improving quality, minimizing product returns from unsatisfied customers and cutting back the lead times necessary for design.
ActiCM products also cover a wide range of applications in
- portable measurement systems
- non-contact measurement
- motion capture (VR, simulation)
- the medical field
Winner in 1999 and 2000 of a government-sponsored R & D competition, ActiCM capitalizes on patented optical measurement techniques developed over 15
years of high level research with the French atomic energy agency (CEA).
Its multipurpose technology – an original combination of photogrammetry and powerful image processing, has given birth to a range of products unparalleled in
speed and productivity.
ActiCM development has been supported by EMERTEC* venture capital, the Caisse des Dépôts Group's coinvestment fund for startup companies (FCJE) and ANVAR, the national agency for industrial innovation**. ActiCM partners with other specialists to offer its customers personalized training and expert appraisal. Through this network of partner companies, it also proposes other coordinate measurement services.
Ideally sited near Grenoble, in close proximity to large research centers and industrial facilities, ActiCM benefits from the fine quality of its scientific and technical environment.
:: Are focused on the future…
ActiCM is actively preparing the future, with initiatives such as the European project IPROMES, under which it will lead a team of 10 European companies in developing future generation of coordinate measurement systems for the aerospace industry.
At the same time, new product offshoots from the ADVENT line – dedicated to high speed, non-contact CM – will carefully target user needs in each major industry (automotive, aerospace, metal processing, etc.), over an ever broader scope of applications