德国intavis AG
德国的INTAVIS AG为实验人员开发了一套全自动原位杂交系统。INTAVIS AG是由活跃在全世界各个国家的博士组成的团队。他们致力于为客户开发各种全自动化试验方案。他们的产品在世界各地备受好评,而INTAVIS insitu PRO 和insituPRO VS就是他们在原位杂交领域的最新产品。
INTAVIS insitu系列通过PC端软件的控制,该系统可以轻松设定各种杂交流程。而多种工作台的设计则让用户可以在极短的时间内将系统应用在切片和组织之间轻松变换。
Founded in December 2000 INTAVIS Bioanalytical Instruments AG has become a leading company in developing, manufacturing and distributing systems to automate complex protocols in biochemistry and molecular biology. INTAVIS´s experienced team of biologists, biochemists and engineers represent more than 15 years of experience in instrument and method development, guaranteeing the highest levels of competence in the automation of high throughput techniques such as functional genomics, proteome analysis and metabolism studies.
We are dedicated to the development of techniques and instruments for biomolecular research as well as synthesis and analysis of biomolecules. With our dedicated customer support and our instruments like the InsituPro VS for automated in situ detection, the DigestPro MS for automated protein digestion and our peptide synthesizers, AutoSpot and MultiPep, we have gained an excellent reputation world-wide. As a customer-oriented company, we listen carefully to your needs and are open to new ideas and improvements.