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美国 . 康戴尔




美国康戴尔 (Comdel )  www.comdel.cn www.comdel.com 
成立于1966年的Comdel电源公司位于美国马塞诸塞州的波士顿海滨,是一家专业致力于生产直流、低频、中频、高频、甚高频全频谱(DC- Khz-80MHz)精密电源的高科技公司。产品可用于半导体、平板显示器、工业加热等广众的领域。 80年代以前,Comdel一直为美国海军提供低噪声远距离通讯电源,80年代以后,军方允许向民品市场提供各种高频设备。 首创的全固态RF射频电源用于等离子体放电驱动电源,确立了他在行业中一直处于领先地位。 Comdel持有射频电源的一项“S”技术专利,使得高频传输线不再受长度限制。 Comdel全部产品安全及质量标准符合“美国国家认证检验实验室标准”。公司通过ISO9001:2000质量认证体系。 
成立于1966年,总部在美国东部马萨诸塞州.设计生产射频电源、直流电源应用于半导体、工业镀膜工艺中。产品包括:射频电源、自动匹配器、静电卡盘电源。为世界知名的主要半导体设备制造厂商供货。在过去35年中一直致力于射频电源的研究和发展。现在已经发展成为拥有8,000平米厂房,设备齐全,技术先进的公司。为用户提供:各种射频电源解决方案,宽的频率范围,快速的原型设计,设备认证和安全可靠的产品。产品通过ISO9001:2000认证。在世界各地设有办事处: 韩国、新加坡、日本、中国。

主营产品:产品种类  单频射频电源 双频射频电源 直流电源 ESC静电卡盘电源 自动调谐匹配网络
Founded in 1966, Comdel, headquartered in Gloucester, Massachusetts, designs and manufactures RF and DC power supplies and process instruments for the semiconductor, flat panel, and industrial heating industries. Products include RF generators, auto-match impedance monitors, and electrostatic chuck power supplies that are in use worldwide by the industry's major equipment and IC fabrication manufacturers. For over 35 years, Comdel has grown with the demand for reliable RF power. Currently housed in a 60,000 square foot manufacturing facility, the company has all the components and the best available technology necessary to support its customer base. With flexible power delivery solutions, the broadest frequency ranges available, rapid prototyping, product certification and safety compliance, Comdel provides responsive support and product solutions from its offices in the US, Europe and Asia. Comdel is ISO 9001:2000 certified.

Comdel's focus at its inception in 1966 was to design and manufacture low-noise, long-range radio communications equipment for the U.S. Military. Throughout the 1960s and into the 1980s, in addition to contracting with the U.S. Army and Navy, Comdel began to establish itself in the commercial market with a variety of communications products.
In 1981, the first solid-state RF generators were designed for plasma applications, planting Comdel firmly as one of the top suppliers of RF power systems in the market. In 1990, Comdel designed the industry's first RF control system and Power Detector. Other industry firsts would be achieved in 1994 with the first microprocessor controlled hybrid, high power RF generator, and again in 1997 with the first dual frequency generator, providing the ultimate in versatility and control.
Today, Comdel continues to provide customers with creative, stable, and reliable solutions for their process needs. Our suite of RF power supplies comes complete with patented S-Technology for process stability, and meets compliance standards for quality and safety through Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NRTLs).